*extra fine cotton wrapped polyester
Is a strong thread great for general sewing, including machine stitching, basting, zippers and buttons?
*silk buttonholes twist
Is a heavy thread made of silk and is good for use on buttonholes and button stems. Choose this thread for use on medium to heavyweight fabric.
*skeined basting cotton
Is a loosely twisted thread with a soft finish? It does not leave an impression when pressed which makes it great for basting. It breaks easily which makes it ideal for lightweight fabrics. The best uses for this thread are basting. Tailors tacks, and thread tracing.
*mercerized cotton
All-purpose thread may fade. This thread is good for basting, hemming, and can be used the same way as basting cotton.
*silk line stitch
This is a medium weight thread that is slightly stronger than a silk machine thread but is similar in make. This thread works well on light to medium weight fabrics. It can be used in threaded chains and topstitching.
*silk machine thread
This is a thread that is best used for machine stitching but can also be used by hand. This is the strongest of all threads so use on heavy fabrics. This thread can be used for closures such as hooks and eyes, zippers, button stems, and buttonholes.
*Fine machine embroidery
This is lightweight mercerized cotton for lightweight fabric. It can be used on basting, hemming, buttonholes.
*Glazed cotton thread
Is strong and has a starched finish. Don’t use for basting because it does leave an impression when pressed. Use for gathering and long seam lines.
* Silk basting thread
This is a very fine lightweight thread. Good for lightweight fabric. It rarely leaves and impression when pressed so it is appropriate for use in basting. It is also good for rolled hems and machine stitching chiffon.