It is usually recommended that you replace a sewing machine needle after 6-8 hours of use but sometimes that isn't practical.
Have you ever been this situation? its the morning before a night out and you have just cut out that cute dress pattern and you are eager to sew it all together. You want to wear and show off your figure in that sexy dress on a third date (or whatever) the same evening. However you are out of needles and all you have left are old dull ones.
Well guess what... You can actually sharpen an old needle using a metal emery board. Just rub the side of the point of the needle against the emery board until the end is nice and sharp. Wallah, its like new.
Doing this is time saving. You don't have to go out and buy a new pack of needles. It saves you money.Its green because you are reusing. Because you don't have to make a trip to the fabric store you will be able to finish that dress in time for that hot date.
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